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Friday 8 February 2013

Career talks

This week we all had a career talk with our guidance councilors. Each TY had 15 minute meetings with their guidance councilor. We talked about what subjects we were considering picking for 5th year and what careers we had in mind when finishing school. I was quite indecisive before I had the meeting but after it , it helped me to come to an understanding of what subject I would like to pick.

Religion Drama

Since the beginning of the year our class have been working on two separate dramas in Religion. Half of the class made a play based on homelessness. Our drama was based on war. Roisin wrote our drama from scratch with help from all of the group. Today we went to Mullingar to preform our drama in the Briary Gap competition. We arrived early at the venue. Luckily we had time to practise in our dressing room before we got on stage. When we arrived at the venue some boys from another school brought out props to our dressing room for us , whilst a member of staff showed us around. He showed us the stage and our dressing room. We were all so nervous before the performance. We went to McDonalds and visited the Joe Dolan's memorial statue. I loved seeing the statue because my Granny loved Joe Dolan and never stopped talking about him! She still does! After we visited the statue we went back to the dressing rooms and rehearsed one more time before the show! When it was our time to shine I felt knots in my stomach but once I was on stage I loved it! Our dramas were such fun to preform and we all thoroughly enjoyed the day. On the way home we stopped off in the sweet shop and got tons of sweets! A week later Mrs.G had received the results unfortunately our drama didn't get through but as luck would have it the homelessness play got through. We were delighted to have gotten one our dramas through to the next round and I wish them all the best! Good luck girls!