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Monday 12 November 2012

Occurrences in October

Gaeilge (Irish):
In Irish we made two PowerPoint presentations , worked on our vocabulary and  we did oral work. We each made a one slide presentation on a different type of profession. I was assigned a professional sportsperson. For this I had to explain what such a professional entails. I also had to make a PowerPoint about sport in my life and in my area. I found this fun to do as I am a sporty person! Working on oral work in class is definitely improving my way of putting sentences together in Irish. I'm not quite a confident person when it comes to having to speak Irish aloud , but every time we do it in class I feel I am improving. (Even though it is slowly)

In English we made a 'mood board' and we are analysing lyrics from songs in poem form. Ha ha! We're using lyrics from meaningful songs such as 'Viva La Vida- Coldplay'. We also made a PowerPoint on a still scene from our favourite movie. We decided to make a mood board at the beginning and then again at the end of TY to see how our interests change over the year. To make our mood board we all got a blank A3 sheet and designed it however we wanted with images , quotes , anything we wanted to. I really liked making mine because it got me thinking about everything I love and allowed me to be creative. For my favourite movie I chose 'Life is Beautiful'. This is an Italian film with subtitles. It's such a great film so I loved examining a scene from it in detail.

In maths so far we made posters either on a mathematician or maths in sport. I chose to do a poster about how maths is used in Camogie. Doing this I found out a lot about Camogie I didn't know. I had no idea that so much maths was used in the sport! We have also done some Differentiation , Algebra , Pascals Triangle , Indices and integration. Today we learnt Cryptography which was also very interesting.

P.E. is one of my favourite sports , so far we've done orienteering , the skateboard game , high jump , discus and camogie!
(The Skateboard game is a game whereby you and your team have to go from one side of the hall to the other with a skateboard and a rope. Thing is you can't touch the ground or pass the line on either side of the hall unless you're on the skateboard!)

In Religion we completed our MDG presentation and presented it to the class. We each got put into groups and were given a goal each. Our goal was to 'Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women'. Doing this project I found it very moving and shocking at some on the statistics we found out. We discovered that 1 in 5 women in Ireland have been abused in some way shape or form by a former or current partner. Living in Ireland this was astonishing to hear! At the moment we are looking into different Drama's we can do to send out a meaningful message about war/homelessness.

In careers we have filled out interest tests and found out what type of work suits our personality we have also done a lot of work to do about what careers we would like to pursue in the future.

In Science we did Chemistry in September and now we are doing Biology with Mrs.B in October and November. We are doing Botany and have dissected flowers and plants. We have also looked at them under the microscope to see the interior parts of plants.

In history we have done functions of government through the centuries , Right wing and left wing government and a lot more about government in England. We have also been assigned a project on either the government and how it has changed in one country or how the functions of government have changed over time.

In Tech we have made key-rings , have begun a clock and are now working on an F1 in schools competition.  This is a competition that allows secondary level students to show their technical skills. They are given the opportunity to design an F1 formula car. Their main aim is to create a generation of world-class innovators.
In geography we have watched a video on tsunami's and have done a virtual trip around the world project. We each had a €12000 budget and had to travel to 6 counties (2 third world , 2 second and 2 first world countries). This project was very painstaking but I finally got it completed!  I have also been given a project on Mexico to do with Ciara and a scrapbook to do on my original PowerPoint (Virtual Trip Around the World)

In Spanish we have watched a Spanish film called 'El Bola' we have also learnt a lot more vocab and verbs. We wrote about our favourite  films in Spanish .

In music we are learning how to play guitar and piano. We learnt how to recognize when the chords change and we sang a good few songs. Personally my favourite is 'I say a little prayer- Aretha Franklin'.

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